Starting School in Chaos: Navigating the Storm When Plans Derail

The back-to-school season is always a whirlwind of excitement, anticipation, and organization. But what happens when life throws you a curveball and your meticulously crafted plans go off track? Whether it's unexpected circumstances, like moving boxes strewn across your living room, or the chaos of helping loved ones downsize, sometimes life has its own plans for us. As you stand on the brink of a new school year with everything in disarray, take a deep breath and remember that even in the midst of chaos, there's an opportunity for growth, adaptability, and even a bit of adventure.

I know, you are rolling your eyes right now. But here’s the thing: I am currently surrounded by boxes that are not mine, boxes that will be mine, donation piles, memorabilia piles, for sale piles, and piles I don’t know what to do with. The floor of my school room wasn’t visible until 2 days ago, school supplies are located in multiple rooms because we dismantled our office furniture (that’s another story haha), and my daughter’s pile of back to college supplies are piled in my room. And that’s just part of the chaos. I feel like I was robbed of summer, my favorite time of year, and the last thing I want to do is school. I want to grab a towel, lay on my deck, sip a cold drink and pretend I’m relaxing on the beach, not be tied to my school planner, school schedules, basketball schedules, and pining for school breaks.  

So how am I managing my mind and my chaos right now?

1. Prioritize and Simplify

With moving boxes and furniture taking up space in my life, I’ve determined it's essential to prioritize what truly matters most. So I’ve made a list of the most important tasks that need to be done before school starts and I’ve organized them based on urgency and significance. For instance, seeing the schoolroom floor was kind of a big deal so we focused on clearing that room out first. Remember that not everything needs to be perfect from day one. There is no way I’m going to organize and sift through 57 years of my parents’ marriage and 160 years collectively of my parents' life before school starts. It’s going to be a process. Right now I need to focus on the essentials: setting up the curriculum, ensuring logins are ready, and having the necessary books at hand. 

2. Embrace Flexibility

Life rarely follows a straight path, and that's perfectly okay. Being flexible can be the hardest and most liberating task you embrace. Understand that there will be twists and turns along the way, and the best way to handle them is with an open mind. Plans may need to be adjusted, deadlines might shift, and that's all right. By being adaptable, you're teaching your children an invaluable life skill – how to roll with the punches and find solutions when things don't go as expected.There are obviously some things that cannot change - like the first day of school for online classes, dual enrollment, and college classes, but if your goal is starting the year with a clean and organized house well, that is a good goal for next year. For me, it’s not worth the sweat and tears to make it happen right now.

3. Make Small Progress Every Day

Since the big picture is overwhelming, I’m focusing on making small progress each day. I’m tackling one task at a time, whether it's organizing a shelf, driving my daughter back to college, ordering art supplies for my son’s online art class that starts in 2 weeks, or finalizing student planners. I’m celebrating these small victories because they provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate me to keep moving forward. The journey to regaining order is gradual, but remember that progress, no matter how small, is still progress. 

4. Involve the Whole Family

In times of upheaval, unity is key. Get your children involved in the process – turn organizing into a family project. I’ve never demanded my kids help, but I have asked and I make sure to make it fun. My kids are older so I don’t have to worry about age-appropriate tasks but that is something to consider. It not only lightens your load but also empowers your children to take ownership of their surroundings. Plus, working together on these challenges can create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds. My kids have been the cornerstone of every move, every organization project, and every re-mode/refurnish adventure, and I am so grateful for those memories!

5. Find Joy in the Unplanned

Amidst the chaos, find moments of joy in the unexpected. Don’t let the stress of the situation rob you of creating lasting memories. I know my kids will always remember this summer and not just because it completely derailed. We have been making memories all summer long.

6. Practice Self-Compassion

Remember, you're only human. I know that I have certainly felt overwhelmed this summer and that is perfectly normal when everything seems to be happening at once. So I’m being kind to myself. I’m taking breaks when I can, and I’m asking for help when I need it.

7. Embrace the Adventure

Starting a school year with a bit of "free falling" is not what I had planned, but I’m turning it into an unexpected adventure. For instance, we get to re-decorate our house, get our own pictures organized in photo safe boxes along with my parent’s photos, thin our book cases of doubles and books that we just don’t need, and honestly look at our own possessions and take inventory of whether we need it or not. Life's messiness often leads us to places we never anticipated. So I’m embracing the unknown, relishing the unique experiences, and looking forward to the stories I’ll have to share once I’ve navigated through this chapter.

So if you are in a similar situation, standing amidst moving boxes, unorganized curriculum materials, and art supply lists, remember that life's challenges can often lead to unexpected growth and resilience. Is it easy? No. I have to remind myself everyday that this chaos won’t last forever. But in the meantime, by prioritizing, staying flexible, finding joy in the unplanned, and practicing self-compassion, I will weather this storm and emerge stronger and even more adaptable than before. 

So right now, just breathe.


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